Thursday, November 13, 2008

Compulsory military service in 09?

It looks like we'll have another draft here in the United States. Emmanuel Rahm, the future Chief of Staff, discussed a compulsory draft so that Americans would really know what it feels like to be an American. A circle of love, as they say.

I have signed my name on paper to serve the U.S. so I obviously have no real pickle against the military. I do see a problem for the rest of the freedom-loving Americans that chose not to.

Why give up one's life for something so distant? The war on terror is something we see on the television. We cannot truly grasp what is going on, because we choose to change the channel and ignore our problems with shows like The Hills, House, Lost, Sunday night football, etc.

The lazy American way of life we have all grown comfortable with is going to come to an end as soon as Obama gets sworn in. I'm not anti-Obama or anything; I knew that we'd be screwed either way by this democracy.

Link to the Rahm article.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wave 103

My friend made this awesome mix of 80s music.

Wave 103!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

President elect

I found the speech quite compelling, and it did not even have a hint of arrogance like he usually does. I am willing to see where he goes in four years, but I am a little worried about congress and the power democrats have now.

Also, another thing I found surprising is how California voted no on proposition 8. I studied San Francisco politics before, and I thought that the people's voice really worked. When the people want something done, they'd do it. And, I thought giving marital rights was just one of those things people there thought was fair.