While reminiscing through my old Lj, I found this interesting find. I wrote it after I had my precombat inspection last summer before I went to LTC.
Today I had my PCI and APFT in Dekalb. The PCI (precombat inspection) was to make sure i was ready to leave next wednesday for LTC. the only thing i didn't have with me was two athletic supporters. yuck, why do i need three jock straps? i heard no one wore those. :C i hope someone calls me and say, "nevermind we don't think you need it."
we also had to do the horrible fitness test. i get so anxious to get those over with. i did alright on my situps... average on the run and pushup though. SFC Lewis told me that i have to strive for 300 because soldiers look up to a leader who is physically strong. so i guess i'll aim for that by the end of my college career.
So as an update,
No I did not ever, ever wear those stupid supporters. In fact, they could care less. They never checked the things we brought. The list they gave us must have been old too, because they did not allow OTC medicines including tylenol and claritin. And I had them in my locker for two weeks before realizing I looked like I smuggled in drugs.
And look how youthful I was! To aim for 300 on the APFT. I'd like to see someone else reach that first.