Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's my reason?

Today I was talking to my friend over the phone while I was at the library, and he asked me why I joined the army. He said I should get out. When he was talking about it, I was a little disappointed with his tone. Sure, no one in my family really supports the idea of me in the military (they often ignore it while I'm at home), but my friend is like my high school chum. His opinions matter, and his question kinda hit me. Why did I join? I certainly disagree with a lot of our foreign policies, and I'm very outspoken against the war on "terror."

But what is my reason? what is going to keep me going? I really have no answer, and that really scares me. Maybe life is moving too fast for me right now that I cannot think. Back in the day, I was really spacy and had so much time to think. Of course, back in the day I was not doing all this bullshit I have to do now.

Point of this--
I will find my reasons before it's too late.


that_mouth said...

I often have the same difficulty. Finding reason as to why I do some of the things that take over most of the time in my life and attempting to understand why that is has always been a mystery to me.

But just like you, I agree. Before it's too late we'll figure out what it is exactly we're supposed to be doing. Sometimes I think I know, but you can't be so sure. Especially when we're so young.

I don't know if things will ever necessarily make sense or find it's place, but I think that there will be a moment where we finally find something that "feels right."

I have faith that you'll find it.."before it's too late." I really do. You seem in-tune and down-to-earth. You seem awake.

P.S. I just realized you were following me today. I didn't even know Blogger had that option! :)

Rick Rosenshein said...

Hi there,
Thank you for visiting my blog. I greatly appreciate it. Thanks again and keep up the great work on your blog. Rick