Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's pretty amazing that it's been one year already since the terrible day at NIU. I remember a lot of it; from waiting for the bus at 3 to waiting for my ride back home. We stayed away from school for a week, and then we had volunteer counselors coming from all over the states to help the school heal. Classes were changed; assignments were dropped or extended. Safety has also changed around campus. We no longer have late night student desk jobs, and we have hired red coats.

Now it's the first year anniversary of the tragedy, and the bigheads decided to establish a memorial at the place of Cole Hall. I can still remember this past fall semester when new students tried to open the doors of Cole Hall; they don't understand the history of the campus.


that_mouth said...

I remember arranging the memorial for this at ECC last year. It feels like it was just yesterday. I hope we never have to experience something like this again.

And yes to both of your questions.

Brandon said...

thanks for doing that at ECC. that means a lot