Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I think I finally understand why the College of Education at NIU bothers me so strongly. Once you enter the program after fulfilling all the requirements, they force us to take classes in sections. This limits our choices of when to take a class and with whom. Once you get in, these instructors teach their courses by the design of their respected departments. And here's what upsets me: you would think that if the college designs a program around courses set to correlate with each other that the departments actually communicate! The assignments, the demands and expectations, and the workload is so off tangent that it makes students frustrated and discouraged. Was this the college's intent? "To kill off the weak?"

Communication with other teachers is what they drill into our minds in all of the courses, but these instructors and departments do not follow what they preach. If we are to teach our students by modeling what we want them to do, then our college is not acceptable. No matter how great an instructor is, the problem still remains that these teachers lack the empathy or desire to help us succeed in becoming in-service teachers.

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